Monday, September 19, 2016

Consider the Lillies

It's moving day y'all! I'm currently writing this on my plane to Atlanta and will post it when I land. 
Phew! Today has been a whirlwind of emotions from beginning to end. After grabbing other last minute things and sitting and talking at the airport, I had a heartfelt goodbye with my family and made my way to the plane.
The theme of this week has been worrying and trying to prepare, and here I am, seat 30D, on the first leg of my journey, still worrying. I started reading my mission book (you know, to prepare because I'm worried) and there was a passage from Luke, talking about remembering the lilies, specifically how they grow with neither toil nor spin (while I'm currently toiling and spinning). And I felt a wave of peace. I was able to take a truly deep breath and relax. 
And now I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport, next to a wooden sculpture of a bird sitting in a giant hand, and tearing up a little. This morning, my boyfriend made the sweetest adiĆ³s post on Facebook and included this Irish blessing (one of my favorites)
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand." 

And I'm praying that I can be a little bird in God's hand remembering the lilies. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

T-minus 15 days!

Hello! My name is Lexy Fields. I'm from the Diocese of Florida and  I'll be serving in the Diocese of Costa Rica working at Hogar Escuela, a school for the children of single mothers.
And I officially have a plane ticket! I depart two weeks from tomorrow on September 19th, and I couldn't be more ready to start this journey! And by "ready", I mean emotionally and spiritually ready (I haven't packed a thing).
When I first began the process of applying for YASC, I honestly couldn't tell you what it was that I was expecting to gain because this process has taken my expectations and thrown them for a loop or two in the best way possible. I had always felt a calling to serve God in the most basic ways possible, by dropping everything and following, and I felt like the Young Adult Service Corps would be where I would find that. And I definitely have, but at this point, I'm having to deal with just some of sacrifices that this entails. Following where God's calling me means leaving a lot of what and who I love here. I've been getting sentimental to the point where I'll go to Publix and see my favorite cashier and get emotional. But if there's one thing I've learned about me and God's relationship this past year, is that he's going to pick me up and put me exactly where he wants me, and that where he wants me is where I need to be, and it's my job to show up.